Oklahoma Ball

The Premier Source
for Oklahoma Youth
Sports Information

Coaching Resources & Downloads


Online Statistics  -  Calculate batting averages, slugging percentages and earned run averages.

Downloadable Forms - BASEBALL & SOFTBALL

Line Up Sheets
14 kbytes 57 kbytes
Score Sheets
337 kbytes 529 kbytes
Team Rules
18 kbytes 35 kbytes
Waiver of Liability
8 kbytes 22 kbytes
FREE Readers

First Aid Kit
22 kbytes 10 kbytes

Above are several forms that you may download, print and freely use for your games. Download in Adobe Acrobat format if you do not need make modifications. All original files are also provided in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats so that you may customize each document as needed. If you do not have Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or Acrobat Reader, click the appropriate button at the right to download the viewer. All documents were created by Oklahoma Ball, are protected by copyright law and are provided only for personal or team use.

Did you find any of these documents useful? Spread the word to other coaches through your website by adding a link to Oklahoma Ball.

Community Resources

The View From The Field  :  A softball parent's thoughts on the game. A super poem.
Online Debate Tutorial  :  How to keep from tripping over your own fingers on a message board.
Common Internet Acronyms  :  A list of commonly used acronyms for messaging, emails, etc.
Page Refresh Problems  :  Why you can't see something on a webpage when it's supposed to be there.

Recommended Links

All-Pro Sports Software  :  Statistics software for all sports, league & tournament software.

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